Weight Loss Surgery

Adolescent Bariatric Surgery & Teen Obesity – All You Need to Know

Adolescent bariatric surgery:

  • Results in rapid, significant, and long-term weight loss
  • Improves, resolves, or reduces the risk of existing and future physical and mental health problems
  • Is more effective for the treatment of type 2 diabetes than medication
  • Is as safe and effective as weight loss surgery for adults
  • Requires a minimum body mass index (BMI) of 35, parent/guardian consent, a psych evaluation, 6 month participation in clinically supervised weight loss program, and that the patient has reached physical and skeletal maturity
  • Includes a choice of 3 procedures: gastric sleeve, gastric bypass, and duodenal switch

Read the sections below for everything you need to know about teen weight loss surgery.


Click on any of the topics below to jump directly to that section

  1. Problems Caused By Teen Obesity
  2. Popularity & Acceptance
  3. Results
  4. Downsides
  5. Qualify
  6. Compare procedures
  7. Patient Community & Expert Advice
  8. Find a Teen Weight Loss Surgeon
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Problems Caused By Teen Obesity


  • Teen obesity can cause physical health issues, mental health issues, and social issues for teens

Obesity in teens is associated with significant mental and physical challenges, and it has been found to increase the risk of serious long-term health problems…

1. Health problems and teen obesity

Almost all morbidly obese teens have at least one serious obesity-related health problem, while the average number is four (1). Obesity in teens is associated with:

  • Fatty Liver Disease – 38% of obese children and adolescents have fatty liver disease (2).
  • Hypertension – obese adolescents are about three times more likely to develop hypertension than non-obese adolescents (3).
  • Metabolic Syndrome’s prevalence increases with the severity of obesity. Fifty percent of severely obese adolescents have metabolic syndrome (4).
  • Orthopedic Injuries – Spinal complications, slipped capital femoral epiphysis, Blount disease and acute fractures have all been associated with teenage obesity (5).
  • Sleep apnea – Obstructive sleep apnea and obesity hypoventilation syndrome are serious consequences of obesity in teens (6).
  • Type 2 diabetes, which leads to adverse heart-related risk factors is correlated with teen obesity (7).

Other health problems associated with obesity in teens include asthma, polycystic ovarian syndrome, skin fungal infections and acanthosis nigracans and dyslipidemia (8) (9).

2. Mental and social problems caused by teen obesity

Equally debilitating are the common obesity-related mental and social challenges and the problems they cause, including:

  • Anxiety – Obese adolescent females are almost four times more likely to suffer from anxiety disorder (10).
  • Bully victims – Compared with those of average weight, obese boys were 1.66 times more likely to be overt bully victims, while obese girls were 1.53 times more likely (11).
  • Dating problems – Compared to their average-weight counterparts, obese girls are less likely to date. In addition, both obese boys and obese girls are more dissatisfied with their dating status (12).
  • Depression – Female teenagers who are obese are nearly four times more likely than those of normal weight to develop major depressive disorder (13).
  • Obesity discrimination in schools may cause obese students to be less likely to succeed.
  • Social teasing from friends and family – 63% of obese girls and 58% of very obese boys reported being teased by their peers. 47% of obese girls and 34% of obese boys reported weight-related teasing from family members (14).
  • Unhealthy or risky behaviors, including alcohol use, tobacco use, premature sexual behavior, inappropriate dieting practices and physical inactivity are more common among obese teens (15).

What’s more, most overweight teens become obese adults who have additional and even more severe health problems…

3. Adult health issues resulting from teen obesity

According to the Surgeon General, overweight adolescents have a 70% chance of becoming overweight or obese adults. The likelihood increases to 80% if one or both parents are overweight or obese.

Alarmingly, obese teens are much more likely to take on additional and more life-threatening ailments during adulthood than teens of normal weight.

For example, a higher body mass index during childhood is associated with a higher risk of coronary heart disease in adulthood (16). Obese adolescents are also more likely to develop chronic conditions such as breast, colon and kidney cancer, gall bladder disease, musculoskeletal disorders and stroke (17).

Very high adolescent body mass index has even been shown to result in earlier death. These very obese teens have a 30 to 40% higher adult mortality compared with those with a mid-level body mass index (18).


Popularity & Acceptance of Adolescent Weight Loss Surgery


  • Research found that adolescent bariatric surgery is as safe and effective as it is for adults

Currently, almost one out of every five teens is obese as defined by the National Institutes of Health. In the past, teenagers had two options:

  1. Lose weight by changing diet and exercise habits
  2. Live with current and future consequences of obesity

While the first option is ideal, unfortunately it is not effective for as many as 70% of teens who try it (19).

As advances in weight loss surgery for adults have reduced complication and mortality rates, increased the amount of long-term weight loss and improved or eliminated obesity-related health problems, more and more teens – and their doctors – have begun exploring surgery as a valid option.

Teen weight loss surgery continued to gain steam in 2007 when researchers compared teen results obtained in 2003 with adult bariatric surgery patients and found that (20):

  • In-hospital complication rates were similar
  • Hospital length of stay was significantly shorter for teens
  • Compared with a 0.2% adult mortality rate, no in-hospital deaths were observed in adolescents

Additional research has further supported the efficacy and relative safety of teen weight loss surgery.

Two studies published in 2017 showed that 5-year weight loss, health benefits, and complications were also similar in adolescents compared to adults (21) ( 22):

  • Patients showed an almost 30% reduction in BMI
  • Diabetes in remission for almost all patients
  • High blood pressure returned to normal in all cases

In 2017, researchers led a systematic review on the safety, efficacy, and utility of adolescent weight loss surgery. Each document was written by a different medical organization or public health department. Of the 16 reviewed documents, 15 were in favor of adolescent weight loss surgery, citing health benefits that outweigh risk factors (23).

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The Results of Weight Loss Surgery for Teens


  • The surgery will result in extreme weight loss (excess weight loss 34% to 84%)
  • For example, if you’re 5’ 4” and weigh 220 lbs, you will lose up to 55+ lbs within 1 year
  • If you’re 5' 9” and weigh 300 lbs, you will lose up to 95+ lbs within 1 year
  • Overall health of the adolescents involved improved (including resolution of diabetes and hypertension)

The increasing popularity of adolescent bariatric surgery has allowed researchers to more thoroughly evaluate the impact of surgery on this age group.


To fill in the gaps of the existing research presented in this section, top bariatric surgeons across the country have established the Teen-Longitudinal Assessment of Bariatric Surgery (Teen-LABS). According to Cincinnati Children’s Hospital, Teen-LABS is built upon the framework of the LABS consortium, a group of physicians, surgeons and scientists dedicated to the study of adult weight loss surgery outcomes.

Teen-LABS’ objectives are to “use standardized techniques and measures to assess the short and longer term safety and efficacy of bariatric surgery by comparing post-surgical outcomes to pre-operative status and examining risks and benefits of surgery” and “to determine the associations between clinical / demographic patient characteristics, components of the surgical procedure and peri-operative and post-operative care with post-operative risks and changes in patient status.”

The available research (much of which is presented below) indicates that teen weight loss surgery patients experience similar weight loss and health improvements with fewer complications when compared to adult patients. The reason is likely twofold:

The research has also found that the earlier an obese patient loses weight, the lower their achievable weight.

The rest of this section will explore the adolescent bariatric surgery research regarding:

1. Adolescent Bariatric Surgery Research: Weight Loss

A meta-analysis of adolescent bariatric surgery research evaluated studies published from 2001 through 2007 (24). The studies included 641 teenage patients, including 352 lap band and 131 gastric bypass surgery patients.

The body mass index reductions at the longest follow-up for each study indicated sustained and clinically significant body mass index reductions for both lap band surgery and gastric bypass surgery. The following chart shows the change in body mass index along with the timeframe and number of patients for each procedure and study:

adolescent bariatric surgery

Following are the weight loss findings of additional studies focused on teen weight loss surgery, which showed short-term weight loss ranging from 34% to 84% of excess weight lost:

Adolescent Bariatric Surgery Research: Weight Loss

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Studies# of patients & procedure(s) usedWeight Loss (% of Excess Weight Lost at…)Year of Study
Study A10 – gastric sleeve surgery1 year – 83.9%2008
Study Bn/a – lap band surgery1 year – 34%
18 months – 41%
Study C1 year – 34% reduction in total BMI1 year – 34% reduction in total BMI2009

Over the long-term, adolescent patients who underwent gastric bypass surgery saw their BMI decrease by about 30%. This means that a patient who is 5’5” and weighs 275 pounds could expect to lose about 75 pounds after 5 years. These findings are similar to other weight loss findings for adults who undergo the same procedure (25) (26).

One study did find a higher variability in the amount of weight loss among teens (including a higher rate of suboptimum weight loss), possibly because of lower rates of compliance with postoperative regimens of diet, exercise, and supplements. This suggests more active follow-up to ensure adolescent patients are following their doctor’s orders would improve their chances of a successful surgery.

2. Adolescent Bariatric Surgery Research: Health Improvement

The tracking of obesity-related health problems among the above-mentioned meta-analysis studies was limited, but the studies that reported it did show improvement or resolution of some medical conditions including diabetes and hypertension.

Several other studies have focused specifically on health improvement following adolescent bariatric surgery. Following were their findings by condition:

  • Diabetes: A study on teenagers showed that weight loss surgery was more effective for the treatment of type 2 diabetes than medication. Significant improvements in fasting blood glucose, fasting insulin concentrations, hemoglobin A1c levels, insulin sensitivity, serum lipid levels, and blood pressure were observed (27) (28) (29) (30).
  • Heart health:
    • Study 1 – Cardiac abnormalities in morbidly obese adolescents decrease with weight loss and persist for at least 2 years following bariatric surgery (31).
    • Study 2 – Glucose, insulin, total cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol, and triglyceride levels decreased significantly, while HDL-cholesterol, hemoglobin, and albumin levels remained unchanged (32).
    • Study 3 – High-sensitivity C-reaction protein, an indication of inflammation which can contribute to the development of cardiovascular issues, was improved for 62% of patients (33).
  • Hypertension normalized in all patients (34).
  • Quality of life:
    • Study 1 – Recent data reaffirm decreased health-related quality of life (HRQL) in obese adults and children. Of those who completed the HRQL questionnaire before and after surgery, their scores after surgery did not differ from the scores of normal-weight adults who did not undergo surgery (35).
    • Study 2 – Quality of life improved in all patients (36).
    • Study 3 – Quality of life improved for all patients over the long-term (37).
  • Metabolic syndrome resolved in 82% of patients at 18 months (38).
  • Psychosocial functioning:
    • Study 1 (direct study on adolescent bariatric surgery patients): Over the 12 month follow-up period, adolescent Roux en Y gastric bypass surgery resulted in significant improvement in health related quality of life and depressive symptomatology ( 39).
    • Study 2 (general study on the impact of significant weight loss in children, not on bariatric surgery patients): Children who participated in the family-based behavioral childhood obesity treatments showed significant changes in percentage overweight. This study is unique in demonstrating the influence of participation in a pediatric weight-loss program on child psychological changes across a wide variety of syndromes. The other major finding of this study was the independent association between improvement in child obesity and improvements in Total Competence, somatic complaints, social problems, and social competence (40).
  • Sleep apnea: Nineteen of 34 patients (55%) who underwent bariatric surgery were diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnea. After surgery, 10 of those patients returned for follow-up testing. Sleep apnea severity improved significantly in all patients (median apnea-hypopnea index at baseline vs. after weight loss, 9.1 vs. 0.65) (41).

For the full list of improved or resolved health problems in adults following weight loss surgery, see our Obesity Health Problems page.

3. Adolescent Bariatric Surgery Research: Risks & Complications

Teen weight loss surgery has been found to be at least as safe as adult bariatric surgery.

For example, in 2003, 771 bariatric procedures were performed in adolescents. A comparison with adult weight loss surgery data from 2003 showed a similar in-hospital complication rate but a significantly shorter length of stay among adolescents. While the adult in-hospital mortality rate in that year was 0.2%, there were no in-hospital deaths among the teenage bariatric surgery patients (42).

But despite the safety of teen weight loss surgery when compared with adults, there are still risks that should be seriously considered and understood by prospective patients.

One study found that 5 years after surgery, patients had a “concerning prevalence of iron deficiency, associated low haemoglobin levels, and vitamin D insufficiency. Poor compliance with supplementation, as noted previously in similar populations, might have contributed to this outcome” (43).

The meta-analysis of adolescent bariatric surgery research discussed in the previous sections also focused on complication and mortality rates (44). Following were their findings by procedure:

A separate study from 2008 included 10 teenage gastric sleeve surgery patients. No in- hospital deaths occurred and 2 of the patients (20%) experienced complications (one intraperitoneal abscess and one polyneuritis), both of which were resolved with medical treatment without additional problems (45).

Adolescent Bariatric Surgery Research: Risks & Complications

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 Lap band surgeryGastric bypass surgeryOther procedures*
Number of patients in combined studies352131158
In-hospital deaths000
Post- operative deaths20.31 death as a result of bariatric surgery (9 months after surgery) due to severe Clostridium difficile colitis, severe diarrhea, an extended period of profound hypovolemia, and multiple organ failure.3 (all after bilio- pancreatic diversion) due to protein malnutrition, pulmonary edema anda cute necrotizing pancreatitis.
Major complications and/or reoperations

8% of patients (28/352) due to problems including:

  • Band slippage (most frequently reported comp lication – 3% of patients)
  • Chol- ecystitis
  • Gastric dilation
  • Hiatal hernia
  • Intragastric band migration
  • Psychologic intolerance of band
  • Tubing crack
  • Shock
  • Pulmonary embolism
  • Severe malnutrition
  • Immediate postoperative bleeding
  • Gastrointestinal obstruction
(percentage of patients not reported)

13.3% (21/158) of all patients reported for all complications: Vertical banded gastroplasty (VBG)

  • Gastric ulceration (2 patients)
  • Enlarged pouch (2 patients)
  • Staple line disruption (2 patients)

Biliopancreatic diversion (BPD)

  • Protein malnutrition (11 patients

Banded bypass (nolonger performed)

  • Gastro- gastric fistula (caused 2 revisions)
  • Chol- ecystectomy (1 patient)
  • Recurrent marginal ulcer requiring antacids (1 patient)
Minor complications and/or side- effects
  • Iron deficiency (2.2% of patients)
  • Mild hair loss (1.4% of patients)
Protein- calorie malnutrition and micronutrient deficiency (most frequently reported complication; percentage not specified)
Impact of surgery on growth or developmentResults not tracked/reportedOne study reported patients’ heights before and six years after surgery and concluded that there was no evidence of growth retardation after surgery. However, study’s authors commented that they could not determine whether the patients achieved their expected growth based on the data available.Results not tracked/reported

For additional research on risks and complications, see our Bariatric Surgery Complications page.


Downsides to Weight Loss Surgery for Teens


  • Read the top 7 criticisms of adolescent weight loss surgery below

When over 500 pediatricians and family doctors across the U.S. responded to a survey asking whether they would ever recommend bariatric surgery for teenagers, 52% said yes. But that leaves 48% who said they would never recommend it (46).

Disapproving physicians and other critics of teen weight loss surgery present 7 valid concerns:

For additional insight into teen bariatric surgery concerns, see these articles:

  1. Younger patients may not be disciplined enough regarding appropriate bariatric diet, weight loss surgery exercise, weight loss surgery support group participation and physician follow-ups for successful long-term outcomes. For example, one study of 71 adolescent Roux-en-Y gastric bypass patients found that clinical follow-up decreased one and two years after surgery (from 94% follow-up 6 months post-op to 69% two years out) (47).
  2. Adolescent patients may not have the supportive family dynamic that is essential towards making the pre- and post-surgery requirements achievable.
  3. Younger patients do not have the ability to properly evaluate the risks versus the rewards of surgery.
  4. Teen weight loss surgery’s availability may lead obese teens to believe that surgery is the most viable and accessible option, when losing weight by diet and exercise is safer and more natural.
  5. Weight loss surgery could lead to malnourishment, especially after malabsorptive procedures like gastric bypass surgery, which could affect the physical development of a growing teen.
  6. Bariatric surgery is "associated with bone loss in adolescents", although "the predicted bone density [2 years after bariatric surgery was shown to be] appropriate for age" according to one study of 61 adolescent Roux-en-Y gastric bypass patients. The researchers call for further research to determine whether adolescent bone mass following weight loss surgery "continues to change or stabilizes (48)."
  7. For those having lap band surgery, there are concerns about its ability to remain in place and not erode over a long period of time.

The last point is very similar to a serious lap band concern adults must consider when choosing the bariatric procedure that’s right for them. This will be discussed further in the Procedures section below.

Points one through five can be addressed by working with an ethical and experienced surgical team, as they will not approve the patient for surgery unless there is a very high likelihood that these problems will not occur. Their strict adolescent screening requirements are likely a major reason why teen surgical outcomes compare so favorably to adult outcomes.

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Qualification Guidelines for Adolescent Weight Loss Surgery


  • You must have a BMI over 35
  • The minor will need parent or guardian consent
  • There will be a psychological evaluation of patient & parent/guardian performed
  • You must have reached your physical/skeletal maturity
  • Participation in 6 months of a clinically supervised weight loss program is required

According to recent adolescent bariatric surgery best practices update (49)…

“Key considerations in patient safety include carefully designed criteria for patient selection, multidisciplinary evaluation, choice of appropriate procedure, thorough screening and management of comorbidities, optimization of long-term compliance, and age- appropriate fully informed consent.”

To meet these best practice guidelines and be approved for surgery, teenagers must meet six surgeon- enforced requirements:

  1. Have a body mass index that meets the NIH consensus criteria for weight loss surgery in adults (BMI above 40 or BMI between 35 and 40 with a serious co- morbidity) (50)
Click Here to See Your BMI
  1. Both patient and parent/guardian must provide consent
  2. Psychological evaluation of patients and parent/guardian to ensure mental aptitude for pre- and post-surgery requirements, including:
    • Supportive family environment
    • Willingness/ability to commit to strict diet, exercise and weight loss support group and physician follow-up requirements for the rest of their life (see our Bariatric Treatment and Life After Weight Loss Surgery pages for more about patient requirements before and after surgery)
  3. Patient must have reached physical and skeletal maturity. Common methods for determining this include:
    • Evaluating the adolescent’s physical maturity to the Tanner Scale. The adolescent patient should have reached Tanner Scale IV or V prior to being approved for surgery.
    • Doctors can determine whether adolescent growth plates have been fully fused via x-ray.
    • The average teenage girl reaches her adult height at 13 or older while the average teenage boy reaches it at age 15 or older.
  4. Teenage girls must be willing to avoid pregnancy for at least one year, preferably two (see Pregnancy after Weight Loss Surgery for more information)
  5. Prospective patient must have participated in a clinically supervised weight loss program with unsuccessful results for at least 6 months.

A meta-analysis of several teen weight loss surgery studies compared the average age of the patients (16.7) to the CDC growth charts and pointed out that by this age, an average boy has completed 98.4% of his growth to age 20 while the average girl has completed 99.6%.

To determine where your (or your child’s) age falls, click here to check the CDC growth charts (51).

Good bariatric surgical teams have the knowledge and resources available to help determine whether each of the above criteria is met (more on finding the right bariatric surgeon for teens further down the page).


Compare The 3 Available Weight Loss Procedures for Teens

There are 3 types of weight loss surgery available to teens, including:

  • Gastric Sleeve – feel less hungry & full sooner while eating
  • Gastric Bypass – feel full sooner while eating & absorb fewer minerals
  • Duodenal Switch – feel less hungry & full sooner while eating, absorb fewer calories and mineralsM

Duodenal switch is the most effective in terms of long term weight loss, with many patients losing and keeping off 90% or more of their excess weight. However, adolescents in particular should discuss potential malnutrition issues with their surgeon before proceeding.

Gastric bypass also has a “malabsorptive” component that should be discussed and understood before proceeding. Weight loss is not as significant as duodenal switch, but at about 65% excess weight loss at 1 year and 60% excess weight loss at 5 years, weight loss is still fast, dramatic, and long-lasting.

Gastric sleeve does not have a malabsorptive component and leads to similar 1 to 2 year weight loss as gastric bypass. However, longer-term weight loss may not be as good since the gastric sleeve stomach tends to stretch out over time. However, average excess weight loss at 5 years is still above 50%.

Note that gastric banding (like the “Lap-Band”) is not on the list as patients must be at least 18 to qualify. The same goes for the other weight loss devices on the market, including AspireAssist and the gastric balloon.

To help choose the best procedure:

  • Click below to take the “Choose Your Best Procedure” quiz
  • Scroll and click through the table below to compare all 3 available procedures, and click the Patient Guides at the end of the table for more information about each procedure.
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Patient Community & Expert Advice


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Bariatric Surgery for Obese 13 Year*

My husband and I were morbidly obese for most of our lives. 2 years ago I underwent gastric bypass surgery and 2 months later my husband had the same procedure.…

Deciding on Bariatric Surgery for Our Daughter*

My 16-year old has been obese for 1/2 her life. She has been morbidly obese for 4 to 5 years. She went to the initial bariatric surgery informational meeting with…


Find a Teen Weight Loss Surgeon


  • You can ask a local bariatric practice for a free insurance check or cost quote
  • You can attend a free in-person seminar or an online webinar offered by a local weight loss surgeon
  • You should schedule a phone or in-person consultation (both often free), if you are interested in learning more about weight loss surgery

If possible, working with a weight loss surgery clinic or hospital that specializes in adolescent bariatric surgery is ideal. They are experienced in both adult and teen surgery and have direct access to pediatric doctors, psychologists, nutritionists and nurses.

This cross functional team allows teen patients to receive the surgical experience required for a successful procedure along with pediatric experience for pre- and post-surgery treatment.

Share This with Your Pediatrician

AAP News, the official news- magazine of the American Academy of Pediatrics released this report specifically for pediatricians attempting to advise families who are considering adolescent bariatric surgery.

Prior to having a conversation with your family’s pediatrician, send them the report along with a link to this page to be sure they have ample time to research the issue before meeting with you.

However, we do not recommend moving forward with any surgeon or team (including the ones listed below) without proper evaluation. See our Finding the Right Bariatric Doctors page to learn how.

If you find that the below hospitals and clinics are too far from home or are not a good fit for your family, you can search through our directory of bariatric surgeons to find a better surgeon for you and your family.

Click one of the following to jump down to your state:

1. Alabama


2. California

Palo Alto

3. Colorado


Rose Medical Center


4. Delaware


5. Florida


6. Maryland


Mt. Washington Pediatric Hospital in conjunction with John Hopkins Bayview Medical Center

410.578.5343 -or- 410.578.5342

7. New York

New York City

Long Island

8. Ohio



9. Rhode Island


10. Texas


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