Aspire Assist

The AspireAssist Device – 14 Ways It Will Affect You

The AspireAssist is a surgically implanted weight loss device that allows you to empty some of the food from your stomach shortly after you eat.

By doing this, you will absorb fewer calories and lose weight.

Although the idea of emptying some of the partially digested food from your stomach can be unappealing, many patients feel that having no dietary restrictions is more important.

Read the sections below for everything you need to know about the AspireAssist procedure.


Click on any of the topics below to jump directly to that section

  1. How It Works
  2. Weight Loss
  3. Health Benefits
  4. How to Qualify
  5. Insurance
  6. Cost Without Insurance
  7. Recovery
  8. Diet & Life After
  9. Downsides
  10. Removal
  11. Compare Other Procedures
  12. Start to Finish
  13. Test Your Knowledge
  14. Find a Weight Loss Surgeon
Bariatric Surgery Source

How the AspireAssist Device Works


  • You attach an external device to a surgically-implanted port in your stomach which allows you to "pump" out some of the food you eat before it's digested
  • Less of the food you eat reaches small intestine which results in less calorie & mineral absorption, so you'll lose weight

The insertion procedure is relatively minor compared to some of the more involved weight loss surgery procedures, like gastric sleeve or gastric bypass. The procedure can be done in as little as 15 minutes under twilight sedation (you will still be relatively conscious).

Steps to perform the AspireAssist procedure:

  1. An endoscope is inserted in your mouth and passed through to your stomach.
  2. A small 1 cm (½ inch) incision is made in your abdomen and, using a small needle, a wire is passed through the incision into your stomach.
  3. The endoscope is used to “grab” the wire, and then both the endoscope and wire are pulled back out of your mouth.
  4. The “A-Tube” (see below) from your AspireAssist device is then attached to the wire, and both are pulled back into your stomach and out your incision until the tip of the tube exits your abdomen.
  5. After your incision has healed (probably about 7 days) you will need to go back to the doctor for a very quick procedure to attach the Skin-Port (see below).

Once your tube is inserted you should be headed home in an hour or two.

This video explains the insertion process:

The Two Weeks After Surgery

Over the next two weeks you will go through a couple different stages before your device will be 100% ready for use:

No NSAIDS! (Take Tylenol, not Aspirin)

Even though this procedure is minimally invasive, you were still “under the knife”, and therefore are still at some risk of bleeding. As a result, you shouldn’t take anything that will thin your blood. There is a set of pain medications called “non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs” or NSAIDS that, along with reducing pain, also thin your blood.

These drugs include aspirin, ibuprofen (Advil and Motrin), and naproxen sodium (Aleve). Do not take any of these after your surgery. If your doctor did not prescribe any specific pain medications, and you are feeling some discomfort, take Tylenol only.

If pain persists, contact your doctor.

Attach the Final Component (Day 7)

Once your incision has had an opportunity to heal, you will go back to the doctor for the final part of your procedure – the attaching of the connector or “button”. This is what will act as the junction between the internal and external parts of your device. The attachment process is completely painless and will take just a few minutes.

Graduation Day (Day 14)

Two weeks after your initial procedure you will be 100% ready to use the device. Once your bariatric team has shown you how to use it properly, you will take home your new kit, which includes all the components of your new device.

You will also need to be on a special diet for a couple weeks, explained in the Diet & Life After section below.

AspireAssist Device Description

The AspireAssist device is made of several different components that can be broken into two categories, those inside your body, and those outside your body.

Internal Components

  • A-Tube – Much like a feeding tube, the silicone “A-tube” connects your stomach to the Skin-port located on the outside of your abdomen.
  • Skin-Port™ – The Skin-Port™ is the opening between your external device and the tube leading to your stomach. It also prevents the tube in your stomach from migrating into your stomach.
  • Emergency Clamp – this component prevents any leakage of stomach contents if the A-tube and Skin-Port become disconnected.

External Components

  • Connector – This part of the device is the lock between the internal and external components of your device. It allows the Companion component (see below) to connect to the Skin-Port and A-tube inside your body.
  • Companion™ – The companion is the “hub” of the AspireAssist. Through the Connector, the Companion connects to your Skin-port, your tubing, and the water reservoir. A latch on the companion allows you to control the outflow of your food, as well as the draining and rinsing process using the water Reservoir (see below).
  • Tubing Set – Through its three main components (the T-Fitting, the Connector tube, and the Drain tube), the tubing set connects your Reservoir to the “Companion”, which connects to a tube for the food to exit your stomach and into a waste container (usually the toilet).
  • Reservoir – This flexible water bottle is used to flush your stomach, to help along aspiration, and to clean the various components of your device.
  • Lanyard – The lanyard rests on the back of your neck and helps you support the weight of the device during aspiration.

Weight Loss from the AspireAssist Device


  • You will lose about 30% of excess weight in the first year
  • For example, if you are 5’4″ and weigh 220 lbs, you will lose about 25 lbs. in year 1
  • If you are 5’9″ and weigh 300 lbs, you will lose about 40 lbs. in year 1

The Aspire Assist has been shown to be an effective weight loss option.

The most comprehensive study to date found that the average patient lost 31.5% of their excess weight in the first year (1). This would mean a patient who is 100 pounds overweight can expect to lose about 32 pounds.

These numbers should be viewed with cautious optimism. The AspireAssist is a relatively new device, so there has been limited research compared to other weight loss procedures, especially regarding long-term weight loss success and the positive effect on obesity-related health problems.

References: (2) (3) (4) (5)

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Participants% Excess Weight LostTimeframeYear
17631.5%1 Year2015 (6)
2240.8%Yes6 months (7)
1849%1 Yea2013 (8)
Bariatric Surgery Source

Health Benefits from Using the AspireAssist Device


  • Positive effects seem likely based on weight loss, but there still aren't enough studies to confirm it

Because it is so new, no one has conducted a long-term study of AspireAssist’s health benefits. But the studies that have been conducted are pointing in a positive direction.

For example, one study showed improvements in:

  • Diabetes
  • Hypertension
  • Hyperlipidemia

But there wasn’t enough across-the-board improvement in patients to be sure that the device was the cause of the improvement (9).

In another study, for the 7 out of the 22 AspireAssist patients who had diabetes (10):

  • Average resting blood glucose levels dropped from 9.4mmol/L to 7.4mmol/L
  • 3 out of 5 on medication reduced or stopped their regimen

Both studies also saw improvements in quality of life scores for patients, which usually indicates the presence of positive health benefits.

AspireAssist weight loss improves joint health. For every pound of weight lost, there is a 4 pound reduction in pressure on the knee (11). This improves mobility and reduces pain in the knees.


How to Qualify for the AspireAssist Device


  • You must be at least 22 years old
  • You must have a body mass index (BMI) from 35 - 55 (find your BMI below)

To qualify for the AspireAssist you must:

  • Have a BMI between 35 and 55
  • Be at least 22 years old
  • Have attempted losing weight using diet and exercise alone

The first meeting you have with your doctor about the AspireAssist will be to determine if you qualify for the procedure and whether it’s for you.

During your initial consultation, your doctor will:

  • Ask questions about your medical history, like “what medications are you on” or “have you had any other bariatric procedures”?
  • Conduct a medical exam and order blood work to check for certain relevant conditions like diabetes or high blood pressure.
  • Ask questions about past or current eating disorders. There is some concern that the AspireAssist is “medically assisted bulimia” (although not everyone agrees with this assessment). As a result, if a patient is at risk of or has already developed an eating disorder, they will not qualify for this device.

AspireAssist and Eating Disorders

There has been some controversy regarding AspireAssist and it’s similarities to eating disorders like bulimia and binge eating disorder.

For some, the “purge” similarities between AspireAssist and bulimia are obvious. Others point out that before someone is cleared for their procedure they must be psychologically evaluated. Patients who are predisposed to bulimia will not be approved to have the device.

If you are concerned about AspireAssist and eating disorders consult with your doctor, who will be able to help you make the best decision based on your personal circumstances.

Following is the full list of things that may prevent you from getting the Aspire Assist device (called “contraindications”):

  • Certain types of abdominal surgery
  • Certain ulcers
  • Uncontrolled Hypertension (Blood Pressure greater than 160/100)
  • History of pulmonary or cardiovascular disease
  • Coagulation disorders
  • Anemia
  • Pregnancy or lactation
  • Bulimia or binge eating disorder
  • Night eating syndrome
  • Chronic abdominal pain
  • Any physical, mental, or psychological illness that could interfere with therapy compliance
  • High risk from the endoscopic procedure

What about Pregnancy?

Because of the growth of your abdomen during pregnancy, it will not be possible to have an AspireAssist device during pregnancy. If you are pregnant (congratulations!), and already have the device inserted, contact your doctor right away – your A-tube will need to be removed ASAP.

If you are planning on becoming pregnant, discuss this with your doctor so you and your team can develop a plan.

For a list of frequently asked questions about qualifying, see our “Do I Qualify For Weight Loss Surgery?” page.

Bariatric Surgery Source

Does Insurance Cover the AspireAssist Device


  • The AspireAssist might be covered by insurance, especially if your plan includes bariatric surgery
  • Some doctors do not accept insurance for AspireAssist (you will need to call and find out)

Some insurance plans cover the entire AspireAssist procedure, some only cover part of it, and some do not cover it at all.

Even if AspireAssist is covered under your plan, some surgeons may not accept your insurance. When contacting an AspireAssist surgeon, ask them if they accept your insurance and if it covers all parts of the procedure.

If you have questions about your insurance, AspireAssist patient representatives are a great resource. They are experts in insurance and have established relationships with many of the major insurance companies. They will help you:

  • Apply for insurance coverage and checking your coverage
  • Appeal a denial
  • Get the best bang for your buck, even if you’re denied by insurance or only have partial coverage

Click here to contact an AspireAssist patient representative.


Cost of the AspireAssist Device Without Insurance


  • The total cost of the AspireAssist without insurance is $7,000 - $12,000
  • There are financing options available (example: you can take out a medical loan)

At between $8,000 and $13,000, the total cost of AspireAssist is relatively low compared to the other weight loss surgery procedures.

The costs include:

  • The device
  • Insertion
  • Behavioral coaching
  • Follow-up doctor visits

If you do have insurance that covers weight loss surgery, the following procedures will be less expensive (around $3,500):

  • Gastric sleeve
  • Gastric bypass
  • Duodenal switch
  • Lap-Band

Contact an AspireAssist surgeon for a free cost quote.

Financing Options for AspireAssist

See below for the various options for financing your AspireAssist procedure.

Secured Medical Loans

A secured medical loan is a type of loan from a bank or credit union that you must back with some sort of collateral (a home being the most common form of collateral).

Unsecured Medical Loans

Unsecured medical loans allow you to borrow money without putting up collateral (see secured medical loans above). But, the tradeoff is you will pay a higher interest rate on the loan, making unsecured loans ultimately more “expensive” than a secured loan over the long run.

Payment Plan Through Surgeon

Most surgeons offer some kind of payment plan to help you make treatment more affordable. Definitely add this to your list of questions when interviewing surgeons.

Friends & Family

The option of asking your friends and family to help you finance your surgery will obviously vary substantially from person to person. If thinking about this, the best thing you can do is look at the decision from as many angles as you can, and then make the best decision you know how.

Retirement Plan Loans

This may be an option for you, depending on what your retirement plan allows for. Contact your HR department or retirement planner and ask if your retirement plan allows for hardship withdrawals. But, make sure to crunch all the numbers before you do this. It’s very possible using retirement savings to invest in your health will make financial sense in the long term, but be 100% sure you’re comfortable with this trade off before spending your hard earned retirement savings.

Permanent Life Insurance Loans

This may be an option for you, depending on what your retirement plan allows for. Contact your HR department or retirement planner and ask if your retirement plan allows for hardship withdrawals. But, make sure to crunch all the numbers before you do this. It’s very possible using retirement savings to invest in your health will make financial sense in the long term, but be 100% sure you’re comfortable with this trade off before spending your hard earned retirement savings.

Bariatric Surgery Source

Recovering from AspireAssist Surgery


  • You will spend 1 - 2 hours at the surgical center
  • You will need to take 2 - 3 days off of work
  • You will be "fully recovered" within 7 days

Recovery from the Aspire Assist procedure is a relatively quick 2 to 3 days (13). Some more intensive procedures, like the gastric sleeve, take up to two weeks to get back to work.

After two weeks, you will return to the doctor’s office where they will teach you how to use the device properly and then send you home with your new device.

Initial Recovery (Day 1 – 3)

Even though this is a minor procedure, it is still a surgical procedure and will require some healing time. While the area around the tube is healing, you may experience some initial discomfort. Your doctor will prescribe pain meds as well as antibiotics to help in the healing process.

Your doctor will also give you specific instructions to follow for the next several days, like when and how to shower, how to take care of your incision to prevent infection, and when to take your meds.

Back to Work (Day 3 to 7)

You should be able to return to work and your regular routine in about 3 days. You may still be feeling some discomfort, so do not to push your boundaries too quickly.


Your Diet & Life After with the AspireAssist Device


  • Your doctor will put you on a 14-day transition diet
  • After the initial transition, there are no specific food restrictions
  • You will have to chew your food throughly to get the maximum benefit of the AspireAssist device
  • The healthier your diet is, the more weight you will lose

Recommended Initial Diet

Because you need to chew your food so thoroughly for aspiration to work properly, it can take some effort to make the change to your new eating habits. With this in mind, you will be asked to ease into eating full meals.

Week 1 of Aspiration

For the first week you will start off with foods that do not require any chewing. You can use a blender or food processor to puree the food if needed.

According to AspireAssist, some examples of foods appropriate for this stage include (14):

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Fruits and VegetablesGrains and CarbohydratesGrains and Carbohydrates
SmoothiesMashed PotatoesFinely minced meats
Smooth Soups (no chunks)OatmealCottage Cheese
Pureed vegetables or fruits, such as applesauceRiceYogurt

Week 2 of Aspiration

For the second week you will be eating foods that require a minimal amount of chewing. Aspiration in this stage should still be relatively easy, but if you are experiencing any clogging this is an indication that you need to chew your food more thoroughly.

And, keep in mind, you will need to chew your food EVEN more when you are back to a full diet. Use this time to build good “chewing habits”. Slowing your eating down may be an adjustment that requires some work, so good habits now will lead to an easier transition later.

According to AspireAssist, some examples of foods appropriate for this state include (15):

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Fruits and VegetablesGrains and CarbohydratesProtein
Well-cooked or finely chopped veggiesCerealGround Meats like meatloaf or meatballs
Soft fruits such as banana, watermelon, pears, or raspberriesSoft breads cut into small piecesScrambled Eggs
Finely chopped fruitsWell-cooked pastaSoft fish (salmon or tilapia)
Canned fruitsCasseroles with ground meats and finely chopped vegetablesTuna, Egg, or Chicken Salad – but no Celery

Your Long-Term Aspire Assist Diet

After you have fully transitioned, you should be able to fully resume your normal diet

Using the AspireAssist Device

About 20 or 30 minutes after each meal you will need to find some time to aspire (empty your stomach). This usually takes about 5 to 10 minutes (it may take slightly longer until you get used to using the device) and should empty about 30% of the contents of your stomach.

Also, it is important for aspiration that you chew your food thoroughly. If you don’t, the food may not fit through your device’s tube. Chewing your food into small pieces will result in the most weight loss.

To make sure you have completed aspiration, squeeze a little water into your stomach – if the water comes out relatively clear you will know your stomach is empty.

Here is a video of a patient using their AspireAssist device:

I’ve heard that this procedure is like bulimia. Is that true?

No. People suffering from bulimia nervosa believe they are overweight when they are not. AspireAssist is only approved for obese patients in order to help them get down to a healthier weight. Click here for more information.

Cleaning your Device

Cleaning your device on a regular basis is important to maintain your device’s health. You will need to clean it at least once daily, plus a more thorough cleaning every week or two. Please see below for cleaning tips:

Daily Cleaning

First, a couple of “don’ts”:

  • Do NOT wash the device while it is attached to you
  • Do NOT wash your device in the dishwasher or with extremely hot water. Hot water can damage some of the components of your device.

For proper cleaning of your device:

  1. Fill the Reservoir with lukewarm water, adding a couple of drops of liquid dish soap.
  2. Attach the Reservoir and Tubing Set to the Companion.
  3. Close your Drain Clamp then hold the Connector over a sink or toilet.
  4. Squeeze the Reservoir to run the soapy water through the apparatus. Do this until about ⅓ of the water in the reservoir has been used.
  5. Open your Drain Clamp and squeeze the rest of the water through the drain tube and into the sink or toilet.
  6. Rinse the soap out of the Reservoir.
  7. Refill the Reservoir with water and WITHOUT soap. Repeat step 4 and 5.
  8. Break down the entire apparatus and rinse with warm water, being sure to remove all the soap/bubbles.
  9. Wipe down the apparatus until everything is dry and store.

Occasional Cleaning

Every week or two you should thoroughly clean your device. You can either use a vinegar-water or a baking soda-water mix.

For vinegar, take the Companion, Reservoir, and Tubes and place them in a tub of half water and half vinegar. Let soak overnight and then rinse with water before using.

For baking soda, take the Companion, Reservoir, and Tubes and place them in a tub of water. Add 1-2 tablespoons of water and let soak overnight. Rinse with water before use.

Follow Up Doctor Visits

The AspireAssist port is flush on your skin, so as you lose weight your tube will need to be adjusted. If you don’t do this, your tube will eventually begin to bend and push against the walls of your stomach (or “migrate”).

This tube shortening may require several doctors visits after the device is initially inserted, depending on how much weight you lose and how fast you lose it. This may continue for up to a year, but will get less frequent over time as you settle into your new weight range.

Behavioral Counseling

The AspireAssist port is flush on your skin, so as you lose weight your tube will need to be adjusted. If you don’t do this, your tube will eventually begin to bend and push against the walls of your stomach (or “migrate”).

This tube shortening may require several doctors visits after the device is initially inserted, depending on how much weight you lose and how fast you lose it. This may continue for up to a year, but will get less frequent over time as you settle into your new weight range.

Diet – Striking the Right Balance

The AspireAssist port is flush on your skin, so as you lose weight your tube will need to be adjusted. If you don’t do this, your tube will eventually begin to bend and push against the walls of your stomach (or “migrate”).

This tube shortening may require several doctors visits after the device is initially inserted, depending on how much weight you lose and how fast you lose it. This may continue for up to a year, but will get less frequent over time as you settle into your new weight range.

Getting Enough Nutrients and Fluids

Because you are removing contents from your stomach, there is a chance you will miss out on some of the vital nutrients you need. For this reason, your nutrient and electrolyte levels will be monitored as part of your follow-up doctor visits. If your doctor notices any problems, you may need to start taking a multivitamin or adjust your fluid intake.

Relationships After Weight Loss

Over time, many patients experience a significant improvement in the quality of their sex life after weight loss surgery (16). This improvement is related largely to changes in the way a patient perceives their body and the resulting increases in self-confidence.

Relationship changes are another great reason to participate in a bariatric surgery support group. These support groups can provide insight and encouragement throughout your weight loss journey.

See our Relationships After Weight Loss page for real stories about relationships after weight loss… and please share your advice and experiences as well.

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Downsides to Having the AspireAssist Device


  • There are very few reported downsides, and early data shows low risk of complications (see below)

In the few AspireAssist studies that have been conducted, there have only been a small percentage of complications reported.

The AspireAssist has received FDA approval in the US and the CE mark in the EU. This means that authorities in both the United States and European Union have determined the AspireAssist is within the normal safety bounds (17) (18).

Possible Complications

In the most comprehensive study to date, out of the 111 patients who took part, only 4 patients (3.6%) experienced “Serious Adverse Events” (SAE), such as a small opening forming between the lining of the stomach and the tube leading to the Skin-port. None of these events lasted more than three days, and there were no long-term effects (19).

A number of less serious complications and side effects were observed in the above study as well, including:

  • Abdominal pain or discomfort
  • Infection around stoma site (the site where your A-tube exits your abdomen)
  • Nausea/vomiting
  • Skin irritation
  • Swelling

Taking Care of Your Skin-Port and Stoma Site

One of the best things you can do to minimize your risk of common side effects is to take extra good care of your Skin-Port and Stoma Site.

The #1 rule: except when in the shower or bath, always keep the area dry.

After aspiration, wipe it down. After taking a shower, pat-dry the skin underneath your port. And do not use any creams or powders unless specifically instructed by your doctor.

When taking a shower or bath, gently wash the Skin-port and stoma area with mild soap and warm water.

These habits will make you a lot less susceptible to some of the common minor issues associated with the AspireAssist.

Common Device Malfunctions and Troubleshooting

There are a few common issues that you may experience with the AspireAssist Device, including irritation, clogging, and breaking.


It is possible that the skin around and underneath your Skin-Port could become irritated, or even infected. If your skin is swollen, irritated, or painful, call your doctor right away. An infection can prove to be a serious matter if untreated.


This is a common problem that will happen to many people with the AspireAssist. If you do not thoroughly and completely chew your food it could be large enough to clog your A-tube. If your flow is interrupted, fill the Reservoir with warm water and squeeze the water in short bursts into your stomach to try to dislodge the stuck food.

Do NOT squeeze too much water into your stomach though, because it could eventually make you feel very uncomfortable. If you cannot dislodge the food after a couple tries, give it a couple hours then try again.

This will happen more rarely, but if you still cannot dislodge the food after 24 hours, contact your doctor. You may have to go in to the doctor to get it unclogged, which is usually a quick process.

Breakage or Failure

If any part of your device breaks or no longer fits together, contact your doctor right away. Using the device incorrectly could result in complications and your doctor’s office will provide you with replacement parts.


Removing the AspireAssist Device


  • If you want to remove the device for any reason, it's a very simple, 15-minutes removal procedure

AspireAssist can be reversed, and removal is a relatively simple procedure which can be done at any time.

Some AspireAssist users do so well on the device they remove it after meeting their target weight. Most of these patients stop aspirating for three months, without removing the device, just to make sure they can stick to their new lifestyle changes.

The removal procedure is similar to the insertion process and takes about 15 minutes. Most patients return home the same day.

Bariatric Surgery Source

AspireAssist Vs. 6 Other Common Weight Loss Procedures


  • The AspireAssist results in less short-term weight loss and health improvement than more "invasive" procedures
  • You will recover quicker and have a lower risk of complications than more "invasive" procedures if you go with the AspireAssist
  • The AspiresAssist is 1 of 4 procedures that is reversible
  • The Aspire Assist is 1 of 2 procedures that has no specific dietary restrictions
  • It is 1 of 3 procedures not covered by insurance - it has the 2nd lowest cost for cash-pay patients

Compared to more established and more involved procedures like gastric sleeve, DS, or gastric bypass, the following is generally true about the AspireAssist Device:

  • Less short-term weight loss
  • Less significant health improvement
  • Quicker recovery
  • Reversible
  • Few diet restrictions
  • Lower total cost (higher if you have insurance that covers weight loss surgery)
  • Not covered by insurance

Start to Finish with the AspireAssist Device


  • You can read the 7 steps to long-term weight loss below

1. Find A Surgeon

Surgeons will help you effectively navigate your procedure options, pre-surgery steps, financing, and possible insurance options:

  1. Many surgeons offer a free initial consultation, free local seminar, or free webinar. These will give you get a better idea of what to expect, and allow you to ask any questions you may have.
  2. Many surgeons also help with a free insurance check. If your insurance doesn’t cover the procedure you choose, like is the current case with the AspireAssist, your surgeon’s office might be able to help you get at least parts of your procedure covered.
  3. Your surgeon will push you towards new habits that will be essential to the success of your procedure. Many surgeons will recommend support group meetings as well, which have been found to be crucial in the weight loss process.

2. Preparing for the Procedure

Having a weight loss procedure performed will only take you so far. Even the most robust procedures will not automatically result in significant amounts of weight loss. This is especially true for the Aspire Assist since it is on the lower end of average weight loss for bariatric procedures.

Bariatric procedures are almost always combined with lifestyle changes, helping patients to establish a healthy diet and achievable exercise routine.

Establishing these habits before your procedure will make adjusting to your new lifestyle much easier after your procedure. Even the simplest procedures can be overwhelming, and adding too much “new” to your normal routine can result in you falling back on old habits.

3. Procedure Day

The insertion of the AspireAssist is one of the simplest bariatric procedures. The procedure is much like inserting a feeding tube, and should last just about 15 minutes. You will likely be in and out of the surgical center or GI suite in an hour or two.

4. Recovery

Recovery after the AspireAssist procedure is one of the quickest recoveries for any of the bariatric procedures. You should be back to work in in 2 – 3 days.

5. Adjust to Your New Lifestyle

life with the AspireAssist means making time to aspirate after each meal. About 20 or 30 minutes after you finish your meal you will need to find 5 or 10 minutes to use the device (to “aspirate”).

You will also need to chew your food thoroughly and drink plenty of fluids so your stomach contents can fit into your aspiration tube. Chewing your food more thoroughly will also help you lose more weight.

Lastly, your doctor will give you instructions regarding diet and exercise routines and possibly a vitamin regimen.

6. Regular Doctor and Counselor Visits

Your AspireAssist procedure will require several follow-up doctor’s visits to make adjustments to your internal tube as you lose weight. Additionally, you will have access to counselors who can give you advice about healthy eating and exercise habits, as well as how to fit aspiration (emptying your stomach) into your normal, daily routine.

7. Establish/Maintain Positive Long-Term Habits

The final part of your experience with the AspireAssist will be to continue the positive habits you have already established. Sustainable weight loss is as much, or more, about the habits you establish, rather than the procedure itself. The more you keep these good habits, the more weight you will lose and keep off.


Test Your Knowledge


  • You can take the AspireAssist quiz below

AspireAssist: Test Your Knowledge


Well-educated patients are more likely to be successful over the long-term. Test your knowledge to ensure that you’re ready to take the next step!

Take the AspireAssist Quiz

Find a AspireAssist Surgeon


  • You can ask a local bariatric practice for a free insurance check or cost quote

  • You should schedule a phone or in-person consultation (both often free), if you are interested in learning more about weight loss surgery
* Disclaimers: Content: The information contained in this website is provided for general information purposes and your specific results may vary depending on a variety of circumstances. It is not intended as nor should be relied upon as medical advice. Rather, it is designed to support, not replace, the relationship that exists between a patient/site visitor and his/her existing physician(s). Before you use any of the information provided in the site, you should seek the advice of a qualified medical, dietary, fitness or other appropriate professional. Advertising: Bariatric Surgery Source, LLC has entered into referral and advertising arrangements with certain medical practices, original equipment manufacturers, and financial companies under which we receive compensation (in the form of flat fees per qualifying action) when you click on links to our partners and/or submit information. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. Read More

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