I am 15 years old. I am in the 9th grade and I live in North Carolina and I have been talking to mother about surgery for me. I am 5’8 and Approx. 288 lbs. This is the biggest I have ever been in my life at this point.
I play basketball and softball but I am very “slow” at running and it’s always hard for me to catch my breath.
My weight was always fine until I got into the 5th grade. I just slowly started gaining weight and eating a bunch and I would never be able to stop. On my mother’s side (even her) everyone is very big and having problems I don’t wanna have in the future, even though now my doctor says I am on the border line of having type 2 diabetes.
I was wondering what would be best for me to do now that it has come this far and I don’t want it to go any further.
Patient Responses to the Question Above
Last resort
by: Cassie P.
Shazel, you a braze soul to ask for help at such a tender age. Have you tried consulting your family Dr. about going on a well-balanced diet?
It sounds like you are active just having a hard time recovering from the activity. I know for myself eating healthier meals with 3 days of exercising has improved my health and weight gain. It is a lifestyle change either road you travel on to becoming healthy.
I wish you much success!