Gastric Bypass Surgery Cost – As Low as $0, But Average Is $3,500

The average cost of gastric bypass surgery is $24,300. That drops to around $3,500 with insurance but could be as low as $0 depending on your specific insurance pan and how much of your deductible and out-of-pocket maximum you’ve already paid this year.The ultimate out-of-pocket costs depend on:Chosen hospital and surgeonInsurance plan and benefitsSpecial discountsFinancingTax savingsRead and click the sections below for everything you need to know about minimizing your gastric bypass costs.1. United States: Covered If Your Plan Includes Bariatric SurgeryIn the U.S., gastric bypass is covered under any plan that includes weight loss surgery.How Do You Know If … Continue reading Gastric Bypass Surgery Cost – As Low as $0, But Average Is $3,500