After you have the gastric sleeve, how long is there a risk of leaking? Do leaks happen frequently after the sleeve?
What can the surgeon do to minimize the risk?
Is there anything a patient can do before or after surgery to minimize the risk?
Thank you,
Patient Responses to the Question Above
Surgeon response to follow up question regarding risks of gastric sleeve leaks
by: John Rabkin, M.D., Pacific Laparoscopy
It would be very unlikely that the medication with water "caused" the sleeve leak even if, at the time of surgery, the methylene blue dye test failed to identify the leak.
John Rabkin,
M.D. Pacific Laparoscopy
(click here for Dr. Rabkin's full bio & contact info)
DISCLAIMER: This educational advice is based on the depth of your question and the details provided. The above should never replace the advice of your local physicians as they have the ability to evaluate you in person.
Also See:
- Gastric Sleeve Complications & Side Effects: 4 Most Common
by: Hazel
Is it possible for Lansoprozole fast tabs given by swallowing with water 2 hours after an endoscopic gastric sleeve revision to cause a leak. Methylene blue showed no leak at close of surgery?
Thank you,
Sleeve leak
by: Mel
Can leaks occur anytime after or just when it's new?
Drinking too many fluids to quick after surgery
by: Chris
I'm 10 days post op and can drink about 10 oz of fluid pretty quickly -5 minutes- and 32 oz in just over and hour. Doesn't hurt and if I feel any discomfort I back off but im so thirsty I have a hard time holding back. Is this normal or is there any risk in this? I'm not hungry, following dietary guid lines except for occasionally having a drink or popsicle that isn't sugar free.