Marginal Ulcers After Gastric Bypass

Question Below Submitted By:  

J. Austin-Singer (a patient from CA)

I have always considered myself one of those gastric bypass success stories. Weight loss was achieved with only a few minor issues. I was a huge proponent of the RNYGB.

Up until 6 months ago I felt great. Then I began having pain in my upper right abdomen which grew increasingly worse. I sought medical attention and blood work showed that I was moderately anemic.

My nurse practitioner referred me to gastroenterology and they began testing. Upper GI, abdominal ultrasound, and CT scan showed every thing was fine.

They were ready to diagnose as GERD and poor absorption of iron. But my NP felt there was more going on and ordered a endoscopy and colonoscopy which were performed three days ago. The endoscopy revealed two marginal ulcers which are ulcers that only occur with RNYGB procedures. They form on the staples and sutures.

I began to do a little research and it appears that many post surgery patients have stomach pain and symptoms mimicking GERD or IBS, gallbladder pain, etc. They undergo the same initial tests that I had and when nothing shows up they are given prescriptions without first having an endoscopy which is the only test that determines the presence of marginal ulcers.

Marginal ulcers can lead to serious complications that may result in surgery. Even then they may return.

I encourage anyone out there who has had a RNYGB and is experiencing new abdominal problems to advocate for themselves. Insist on having an endoscopy to look for marginal ulcers. They are not uncommon and if left untreated can be very dangerous.

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Gastric bypass side effects
Complications of gastric bypass surgery


Patient Responses to the Question Above

No reasons for ulcer

by: Stephanie Alexander

MGB surgery 7/28/16, 12/20/16 found out I have a marginal ulcer. I do not drink alcohol, smoke or take NSAIDs. Pretty healthy diet, no soda pop. Was in pain from the start. On meds to heal ulcer. Bewildered and disappointed.

Same here

by: Taylor VS

At four weeks post op from RNYGB, I started vomiting and went to the ER. I was given an X-ray and a CT scan. My surgeon admitted me on Saturday and on Monday he did an endoscopy. There he learned I had a marginal ulcer and a stricture. He did a dilation on the stricture and I was prescribed Carafate to take four times a day for the ulcer.

I was fine a day or two after the procedure. I did vomit yesterday and felt sick to my stomach but I honestly believed that was due to me eating meat that was too dry and eating too quickly. I've been fine today. Before being discharged after my surgery, I was told to take OTC Prilosec 20 mg daily. After being admitted for the ulcer and stricture, I was put on Pantoprazole, 40mg a day.

My story, as well!

by: Heather

My story is almost identical to yours. I've lost more than half my body weight since my GB. The only side effect I had really been impacted by is I am now unable to tolerate sugars since the surgery in 2010.

That was until one year ago. I was being seen by my PCP, who is a great Dr, but no endoscopy was ever ordered. Tests/labs were all coming back normal. Long story short; a few months later an ER visit became necessary because the pain was intolerable. Endoscopy revealed Marginal Ulcer.

I strongly urge anyone who is post-GB to try and find themselves a PCP who is well-versed with Gastric Bypass.

I still have no regrets. GP was the best choice for me. ?

ulcers hp pylori


I'm having a lot of trouble with ulcers. Found out I have H. Pylori, hoping it has been eradicated. I am still dealing with ulcers post antibiotics. Can an rny surgery be revised to another that may not cause ulcers? Does anyone have info on that please?

Marginal Ulcer

by: Carmen R

I had bypass surgery 9/2017, last month I had severe upper abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting. I went to ER and they diagnosed me with Marginal Ulcers, was told it was due to bypass surgery.

I am taking medication, if that does not help I was told I might need surgery. I still have pain and when I eat I get very nauseated. I regret getting this surgery.

Nsaids and pain - ulcer?

by: Leoma Brehmer

I had GB 9/2017, last month I had an ACL replacement. My GB surgeon told my knee surgeon I could have a short stint of Celebrex, an NSAID for inflammation.

After just 6 days I have abdominal pain and reflux- could this be an ulcer already?

Upper GI scheduled

by: Michelle wallen

Thank you for your post. So far I've had an x-ray, ultrasound, and HIDA scan. All have been fine. Even though during the HIDA scan I had one of my pain attacks, due to the dye they use I guess.

Hopefully the endoscopy can tell me what's going on. Tired of this pain.

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[ Last editorial review/modification of this page : 05/24/2021 ]

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