What happens if your band flips or moves after you had a fill & you feel ill?
Originally I was scheduled for gastric bypass. I lost 52 pounds in preparation for the surgery.
I went for the procedure on Oct 5, 2010. When I woke up, the surgeon informed me he was unable to do the surgery as I have mesh and adhesions from four incisional hernias and a hysterectomy.
He would have been able to do the sleeve, but as I am on Medicare, he was not allowed to proceed with the sleeve as Medicare refuses to pay for it. After much thought, I finally decided to go ahead with the gastric band. That was done on March 15, 2011.
I’ve done okay with it but I am not losing steadily. I was in for a check up 3/25/11 & 4/22/11 & was fine. On May 20, I went in and had a 5cc fill and when I went back on 7/22, I had lost weight. I didn’t go back until 10/21 and had a 2cc fill as I had gained some weight.
I had a hard time eating my evening meal, but the 22nd I could barely eat. It took me hours to get 1/2 cup of cottage cheese mixed with 1/2 cup sugarless applesauce down.
Last evening, the 23rd, I noticed the port is not where it was. I have a mark from the needle and now the port is close to an inch from the needle stick. I have horrible heartburn and feel nauseated after I eat anything.
I am thoroughly with this whole thing and I have info that Medicare is considering on paying for the sleeve. If I need to have surgery to place the band again, I think I would rather have it taken out.
Patient Responses to the Question Above
Lap ban flipped
by: Irma
I was banded on 2008. I went in for a fill today after not having one for over 5 years. The Dr. was able to find the find after SEVERAL stabbings. He unfilled the port and when he tried to refill it, the needle he was using had a leak.
When he tried again, he could not find the band. So now Have a band with no restriction and a flipped port. He also did a barium swallow x-ray and said my band is perfectly placed and just the band is flipped. He wants to do a port revision.
Has anybody had any experience with port revision? HELP!