If I decide to have my weight loss surgery in Mexico, how likely is it that a local surgeon will work with me for follow up care?
What will my local surgeon want to know, and what are the things I can do to make sure everything goes as smoothly as possible when I come back?
Are they usually willing to coordinate or speak with Mexican surgeons to transition my care?
Do local surgeons prefer to conduct follow up care for some procedures and not others? I’m trying to decide between lap band, gastric bypass and gastric sleeve.
My first choice would be to have surgery closer to home, but the bottom line is that I just can’t afford it – and surgery in Mexico is much less expensive. My insurance doesn’t cover it, and I’ve found a couple of reputable surgeons in Mexico who have even practiced/been trained in the United States and have good references.
Thanks for any feedback.
Patient Responses to the Question Above
Follow up care
by: Tonya H
Leanne, I pretty much thought the same as what Dr Rabkin said, that it's probably going to be difficult finding a local surgeon to perform follow-up care for a surgery he/she had no part in, let alone that the surgery was performed in another country. I'm glad Dr Rabkin outlined the "why's" for you, because I couldn't have properly informed you of any of that, though I most definitely was going to suggest that you speak to doctors locally before your surgery. Best of luck to you on your weight loss journey.