Weight Regain & Supplements Questions 13 Years After Gastric Bypass

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Heidi (a patient from Miami)

I was 310 lbs, in 2001, when I had my Roux En Y Gastric Bypass in South Florida. I got down to 160 and kept that off for many years until I had a hysterectomy in 2007. I have since gained 35 lbs, have osteoporosis and anemia.

I seem to be able to eat 1/2 to 3/4 what a normal person would eat but I am so hungry every few hours. I still have sugar and high fat dumping so I guess that is a plus (except when it is happening).

I take UNJURY multi vitamins which have 30 mg Iron and 20 mg of zinc in them. I am on Forteo for the osteoporosis.

So…. here is my concern How much is the right amount of iron? of zinc? of Vit D? Am I missing any?

I seem to have a good level of B12 for some reason but my doctor said I am zinc deficient and Vit D deficient. I was taking 10,000 iu Vit D per day and just had the 20 mg of zinc and 30 mg of iron in my multivitamins. For a person with my history and the obvious malabsorption issues we have, how do you balance between enough supplements and too much? Please answer specifically for Gastric Bypass patients.

My % iron saturation is 5, My hem/hct 10/33. Total iron is 19. Iron binding is good.

Also, does everyone gain 20-30 after 13 or so years? What is the best way for the long timers to get the weight off?

Thanks, Heidi

Bariatric Surgery Source

Expert Responses to the Question Above

Bariatric Coach's Response to "Weight Regain & Supplements Questions 13 Years After Gastric Bypass"

by: Nadia Barhoumeh-Lee, RN

Hello Heidi,

I will do my best to answer your question in a general way as your Primary Care Doctor and Bariatric Surgeon are in the best position to answer your specific questions regarding your blood work and vitamins you specifically need. It sounds like you have good follow up, keep it going.

Your weight loss is impressive and your weight regain is not that unusual! Most people regain some of the weight.

Maintenance of the weight loss is not a passive process! Required for long term weight stability are multiple factors including:

1. Excercise of some form 4-5 times per week
2. Focusing on eating protein
3. Drinking enough water
4. Follow up with your Bariatric surgeon and your Primary Care Providers
5. Lifestyle modifications of the habits that led up to the weight gain/or regain.

It's easy to become complacent and drop the effort years after the surgery. The good news is that your "pouch" still works well and you can use it to your advantage.

Many people never really learn the mechanics and physiology of how their new stomach works, there lays half of the problem. The stomach is a muscle and can shrink to some degree.

Figuring out how to use your "pouch" can be learned and you can lose the weight again, it doesn't sound like you are that far from where you want to be and it might not take very much for you to get to a place you would be happy with.

Surgery is only a tool, you might consider getting some additional support to help you realize your goals.

I hope this helps, all the best to you.
Nadia Barhoumeh-Lee, RN

DISCLAIMER: This educational advice is based on the depth of your question and the details provided. The above should never replace the advice of your local physicians as they have the ability to evaluate you in person.

Related Pages:
- Weight Gain After Bariatric Surgery
- Weight Gain After Gastric Bypass Surgery
- Bariatric Diet (What you eat)
- Bariatric Eating (How you eat)
- Weight Loss Surgery Support


Patient Responses to the Question Above

Sugar craving and night time eating after weight loss surgery

by: Nadia Barhoumeh-Lee

Hi Cassie,

I wish life were that easy and we can eat whatever we want and not gain weight. The surgeon operates on the stomach and not the brain.

Cravings will remain after surgery unless lifestyle changes are made and other pertinent issues are dealt with.

Human behavior is complex. People often eat and drink for reasons that have nothing to do with hunger or thirst.

There are emotional and psychological components that remain that surgery does not address, surgery is the easy part and changing our behavior is possible but is an ongoing process.

Weight loss surgery is not a diet and requires a long-term commitment to do your best to be your best. I can tell you that eating sufficient amount of protein will help reduce the cravings for sweets. People sometimes mistaken the signal of thirst for hunger, make sure you are getting adequate amount of water throughout the day.

All the best.
Nadia Barhoumeh-Lee, RN

DISCLAIMER: This educational advice is based on the depth of your question and the details provided. The above should never replace the advice of your local physicians as they have the ability to evaluate you in person.

5 years out

by: Cassie

I am a night eater. I will eat about anything I can get my hands on. I will eat lots of carbs from 9-11pm. I crave sugar and have gained 10 lbs. I try to have nothing in the house but I end up buying something. Does anyone have this problem? I had a gastric bypass in 2010. Weight gain is recent. I journal and am fine with eating during the day.

Weight gain

by: Jodie Cribb

I am 14 years after gastric bypass and I have put on 25 pounds in the last two years and I can't seem to get the weight off. I am hungry all the time and I don't do good with eating meals because they usually don't stay down.

I was really vitamin D deficient this past winter so I was taking 10,000 IU for a few months and then went down to 5,000 and it seems to be maintaining.

I get a B12 shot once a month. I take multivitamins and calcium.

My lab work is always within normal limits but I am always tired and I just don't feel good. I know if I eat something sweet I sometimes have low blood sugar and get the sweats and I shake and need to eat something to get it to stop.

Is this all normal? Can the normal lab work show if something is missing?

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[ Last editorial review/modification of this page : 05/24/2021 ]

* Disclaimers: Content: The information contained in this website is provided for general information purposes and your specific results may vary depending on a variety of circumstances. It is not intended as nor should be relied upon as medical advice. Rather, it is designed to support, not replace, the relationship that exists between a patient/site visitor and his/her existing physician(s). Before you use any of the information provided in the site, you should seek the advice of a qualified medical, dietary, fitness or other appropriate professional. Advertising: Bariatric Surgery Source, LLC has entered into referral and advertising arrangements with certain medical practices, original equipment manufacturers, and financial companies under which we receive compensation (in the form of flat fees per qualifying action) when you click on links to our partners and/or submit information. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. Read More

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