I am morbidly obese, but I have no appetite and hardly eat anything. How would this surgery help me?
At 5ft tall I am 255 lbs. I had a very bad scare of severe heart constriction the other day and have high blood pressure (regulated well by medication…though sometimes it dropped down to 80 some over 45 to 50). A doctor several years ago told me I must have the gastric bypass surgery but I didn’t pursue it because I thought it was only for ones who overeat.
Please let me know if it is something that possibly would help. I can’t lose weight no matter what I do.
Thank you, Jan
Patient Responses to the Question Above
Check with a bariatric doctor
by: Yvonne McCarthy
Many of us didn't eat that much before surgery because of so much dieting which caused our metabolism to slow down way too much.
It would be very important to check with a bariatric surgeon.
I am not a doctor but you could have PCOS, you could have thyroid problems, so many things...The reason you would lose weight with gastric bypass is because you would eat even less and because your intestines are shorter you absorb less calories.
A doctor could explain this far better.
Another problem is that many of us didn't eat when we were hungry but ate to self medicate pain away. Sometimes we also may think we aren't eating much but might be getting tons of calories in something we are drinking like Starbucks or alcohol. Again it would definitely be to your advantage to check with a bariatric surgeon and tell the doc everything you've said.
I think you'd find that you would definitely lose weight if you have gastric bypass and he/she could find out if you have any other issues going on.
Best of luck, Yvonne