I had Roux en Y gastric bypass surgery on July 1 (about 3 months ago). I had been having difficulty getting enough protein until this week but I’m concerned that I haven’t lost enough weight. I have only lost about 25 pounds.
What am I doing wrong?
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I had Roux en Y gastric bypass surgery on July 1 (about 3 months ago). I had been having difficulty getting enough protein until this week but I’m concerned that I haven’t lost enough weight. I have only lost about 25 pounds.
What am I doing wrong?
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[ Last editorial review/modification of this page : 05/21/2021 ]
Bariatric surgeon at CBGSA , Arcadia , California
by: Dr. Troy LaMar
Hi Lori,
Congrats on getting your weightloss journey started! Don't worry, you are not done losing weight.
A couple of thoughts......
Everyone who has a gastric bypass does not lose weight at the same pace.
So, we surgeons can never predict how quickly a patient will lose. It is not uncommon to have plateaus after weight loss surgery (i.e. not losing weight for a month or 2).....
However, you can make sure you are optimizing your chances.....make sure you are getting at least 80 grams of protein/day, and not cheating on carbs and fats.
Make sure you are performing some form of exercise on a daily basis. Sometimes even when you are doing all these things a plateau may occur.
Just keep doing all the right things.
Finally, not a bad idea to check in with your own surgeon to make sure you are doing all the things they want you to do.
Good luck,
Troy LaMar MD