Gained Back Weight After Gastric Bypass Surgery

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I had gastric bypass surgery on 3/2006 and lost close to 130lbs. Now almost 6 years later I have gained 20 pounds back in a year.

I’m thinking about getting the ROSE procedure done to get me back on track. I am so afraid of getting back to 300 pounds that I’m willing to do anything.

Of course, it doesn’t help that I developed back problems with two herniated discs, so I am very limited with exercising.

If anybody can give me some tips I would greatly appreciate it.



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Patient Responses to the Question Above

For Yvette

by: Yvonne McCarthy

WOW! Two named Yvette and I'm Yvonne.

Do you know how rare this is? I just wanted to mention that stress like dealing with you mom's recent diagnosis makes it hard not to want to self-medicate the pain away.

Please find someone you can talk to.

I don't know if you have any access to therapy but you need some support right now.

When we go through the traumatic times in life it is the time that is most difficult to stick to a plan.

I hope your mom will be OK.

I've been there and it was the most difficult thing I've ever lived through.

Thanks for giving us an update.

Hugs, Yvonne


by: yvette

thank you everyone for your support. it's been a while that i have signed on.. i have been real busy taking care of my mom that just got diagnosed with cancer.. but i did get on a strick 500 calorie diet or less and my doctor gave me diet pills and i have lost 10 lbs so for...

Back sliding

by: Yvette

How about that? A namesake who's had the same surgery and weight gain problems as I've had. I did all the wrong things after surgery, at least I'm finding that out now! I've gained probably about the same as you did, and I'm just going back to the beginning, changing my eating habits and realising that it's a lifelong thing. I'm starting a journal and although I probably won't do the protein shakes unless I have to (I find them difficult to drink)I've determined to do exactly what I'm supposed to, to try and shrink the pouch back a little. I know it's a lot bigger than it was, I can feel it.

I really hope you find the support you need, unfortunately, in the UK it's very hard to find people in similar circumstances, and there's still a stigma attached to bariatric surgery. I can't even find dieticians who will come near me because I've had a gastric bypass within 50 miles and I just can't afford to travel that far.

Best of luck! I'll be thinking of you as I work on my own weight gain. I don't think it helped that I didn't lose as much as I'd hoped to begin with, although it was nice to wear a size with a 1 in front of it instead of a 2 for the first time in years.

Take care.

weight gain after gastric

by: yvette

Thank you all for your support, I know 20lbs isn't a lot but it terrifies me to gain any back. I am constantly counting my calories, I only eat veggies, no fast food no fried food no soda it seems that I gain just by looking at food...

Related Pages:
- Weight Gain After Bariatric Surgery
- Weight Gain After Gastric Bypass Surgery
- Bariatric Diet (What you eat)
- Bariatric Eating (How you eat)
- Weight Loss Surgery Support

Bypass Surgery Weight Gain

by: Maryann


Losing 130 and gaining back 20 is not something to balk at. However, I know you are worried about what can happen. I just saw my surgeon today for a checkup and we talked about weight gain after the operation and some years. He informed me that the pouch is about 5-6 oz after the surgery and it can not stretch to more than 9-10 oz. He said that you have to eat lots of protein and stay away from carbs and sugar, they are no good.

Do a reset on your pouch. Pretend you are starting from day one and go back to the liquids and expand from there. Keep your portions small, and eat a number of small meals a day, not 2 or 3. Keep the protein and fruit and veggies going. I'm under a time constraint or I would keep going, however I know you will be able to take it off with a little willpower. Getting back on track is what it is all about.

Also, there are exercises you can do while sitting down or with an injury. Call a local health club or go on the internet to find out. Also you can ask you surgeon, whoever did the surgery should have kept your records and be willing to help with your issue. I belong to a support group in the Lehigh Valley and I, along with the whole group, will be praying for you.

Best of Luck,

for Yvette

by: Yvonne McCarthy

I also had gastric bypass and lost 130 pounds.

I had it ten years ago and kept it off.

The only way I can explain how I did it is that I weighed every day and did everything possible to not regain.

Believe it or not, 20 pounds is awesome.

You CAN get that off.

I have a friend that never got as low as she wanted and gained 70 pounds back and she got it off.

There has not been a lot of success with the ROSE procedure.

I know you have a bad back.

Have you considered having surgery to have it fixed? I had back surgery in 1994 with 2 ruptured discs and I can do yoga now.

The other reason we eat is because we are trying to self medicate.

Is there anyone you can talk to that can help you with the pain or stress you are trying to bury.What are you eating? Have you gone back to old habits? Do you eat late? Do you have some sort of breakfast so that you don't throw your body into starvation mode? It might not be fun but if you don't eat less than the calories you burn, you won't lose.

Also look at those 20 pounds compared to losing over 100 pounds and don't make it a big monster! Get motivated and do it! The more you regain, the harder it is to get off so turn things around as soon as possible.Sorry I have such a short time but I hope this helps.

Hugs, Yvonne

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[ Last editorial review/modification of this page : 09/26/2017 ]

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