Dual bariatric surgery and hiatal hernia fix performed at the same time

Question Below Submitted By:  

Stella (a patient from PA)

Hiatal Hernia Illustration

Hiatal Hernia Illustration

Has anyone had experience with dual bariatric surgery and hiatal hernia fix performed at the same time? I am considering either gastric bypass or gastric sleeve surgery along with large hiatal hernia fix.

I have been overweight all my life, on top of this I am suffering serious problems with hiatal hernia. I have found a doctor who can do both surgeries in one shot, but I have to choose which of two bariatric procedures: gastric bypass or gastric sleeve will be better if there is a large hernia there?


Patient Responses to the Question Above

I had one

by: Beth

I had both surgeries, though I had the lap band surgery and not the ones you mentioned. I don't know how to answer which of the two surgeries would work best with the two bariatric surgeries you're considering, but I would think it's not uncommon for doctors to perform a hiatal hernia operation with most any bariatric surgery.

It seems hiatal hernias are not that uncommon in overweight people.

Good luck with your choice. :)

Hernia and WLS

by: Yvonne McCarthy

Just wanted to let you know that I've known many that have had both at the same time.

Many of them didn't even know they had the hernia until the doctor got in to operate.

Very common for sure!

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- Weight Loss Surgery and Obesity Health Problems

Dual bariatric surgery and Hiatal Hernia fix performed at the same time.

by: Anonymous

I had this done and two Hiatal hernia's got flipped behind the heart and they were hugh. That was in 2005 and I now have two hernia's by the stomach belly button and also one hiatal hernia which I have acid hot burn with.

I had the acid reflux fixed at the same time and was not suppose to get heart burn anymore! Surprise but I never did loose much weight and gained it back so this don't help. Dr. tried to talk me out of bariatric surgery and do the hernia as they were so large they used up a lot of my stomach.

I didn't want to get more hernia's so I made him do the surgery. Biggest mistake I ever did! I have a hard time eating a lot of things and live on soup and fruit most of the time! Hope this helps you but the surgeries can be done together but I don't think mine were done well!

hiatal hernia repaired

by: Vickie

I had a hiatal hernia repair in 1995 reconnecting my stomach and esophagus because I ruptured it in 4 places I am now considering gastric bypass surgery can I successfully have gastric bypass surgery

hiatial hernia repair with gastric sleeve surgery

by: mary

I had both done at the same time on 08/31/2016. I was unaware that the hernia was going to be fixed but am happy it was. I am still in the recovery phase and am having a hard time breathing because now everything is tighter and I'm not used to it, nor sleeping on my back.

So far so good though! I think bypass is more dangerous.

Haital hernia repair with gastric sleeve

by: Anonymous

I am overweight and just found out I have a hiatal hernia and severe GERD.

My doctor is recommending 1) repair of the hernia by doing a endoscopic gastronomy 2) repair of the GERD with fondoplication and 3) bariatric sleeve.

During the gi procedure it was determined that I have a small stomach. In fact, they asked if I had had a bariatric procedure because it was so small. I don't know if I should just have the hernia and GERD repair or if I should also have the beriatric sleeve even though my stomach is little?

BMI Level

by: Theresa

I have a large Hiatal Hernia and one of the suggestions was bypass. This will fix the problem and help me lose weight. The issue I have is that my BMI is 35 and they say insurance will not cover the bypass unless I am over 40 BMI.

Has anyone had the bypass covered being under 40 BMI due to the additional issues with the hernia?

Hiatal hernia/BMI 38

by: Karen

My insurance is covering mine because I have sleep apnea & issues with my knees.

My BMI started out being 38 I think.


by: Renee

I had the gastric slevee done last year in October and ended up having problems with reflux. So a year later I had to have corrective surgery from a sleeve to a by pass.
So I have been told that if you already have problems with reflux do not have the gastric sleeve.
I hope this answers some questions.

Return of hiatus hernia after gastric bypass and hiatus hernia repair

by: Elizabeth morgan

I had a gastric bypass March 21 2016 and they repaired a very large hiatus hernia at the same time. Seven weeks ago, I had my gallbladder removed. I now have the most horrific pain below my sternum. It could be severe heartburn, but I feel like I am gonna die. I roll about and use a heated bean bag for some relief.

I think my hiatus hernia is back. I feel sick and was sick last night. Should I go back to my surgeon or see my gp? Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Re: Elizabeth Morgan

by: Patrick


Start with your GP as they're likely faster to get into and can address your concerns quicker. If medications will alleviate your pain, they may be able to help with this.


Gastric sleeve/hiatal hernia

by: Caren

I had a gastric sleeve in 2011 and they found and repaired a hiatal hernia at the same time. The sleeve worked, however, I had a hiatal hernia surgery again in 2016 and am currently being treated for a third hiatal hernia in 2017. My bariatric surgeon suggests a gastric bypass to avoid reccurance but physicians at University of Washington currently disagree with this, and am undergoing further testing to determine a more permanent solution.

Have hyiatal hernia getting gastric sleeve next month

by: Maria

I have been told by 3 people already that the Dr. That will be doing my procedure has had 4 people die after the procedure. Now I'm second guessing.

Duodenal switch and hiatal hernia

by: Heather

My BMI is 50 and I just had an endoscopy done. They found a small hiatal hernia which I never knew I had. I mean no problems or symptoms what so ever. My question is since he will be doing the duodenal switch can he fix my small hernia at the same time? Or does it require an additional surgery before hand?

Gastric Sleeve with Hiatal hernia repair

by: Carole

I had both done in April of 2017. Having the hernia repair was immediate relief of pressure on my esophagus. I have lost 115 lbs since and it is Feb 15 2018.

My BMI is 33. I got a dog and walk daily with him and then swim every day. I don't physically feel like I have had any surgery.

I had laprascopic surgery. I wish I had it done earlier. Good luck with what ever you decide.

Small hiatal hernia

by: Heather Dawn Jenkins

Just had a week follow-up with my surgeon and he said that the hernia is small and unless when he gets in there and it's bigger than what the endoscopy showed he wasn't going to worry about it. Especially since I am not showing any signs or it's not causing me any problems.

hiatal hernia/gastric sleeve

by: girlblue_ct


Did you have a problem getting insurance to cover for the bariatric surgery because of the hiatal hernia? My bariatric surgeon refuses to touch anyone with GERD or hiatal hernias unless its been fixed or corrected before hand.

If you got the repair before bariatric surgery, when did you get the "ok" for the sleeve? and if you got them done at the same time(hernia and sleeve) how long did you have to wait to hear back from insurance to cover both?

I was diagnosed today with a hiatal hernia... which I was unaware of and the DR told me that its not for someone my age (36) when I asked him what's the typical age to get this? he said usually 50's and older .. obviously at 280 lbs and a BMI well over 40 it would make sense if insurances covered it since its aggravating a hernia.

I learned today that it is not covered and would have to be pre authorized because of something else such as diabetes, heart disease.


by: Georgina Whitaker

Hi I had the sleeve done in 2016 and a hiatal hernia repair at same time and it was horrendous. The repair didn't work and I've spent 2 years of hell. The small pouch kept filling with bile which was making me sick. I hardly ate for months and i have lost 12 stones which was a plus.

I can not eat any fruit as it makes acid worse no chocolate most veg i have to avoid now waiting to have the bypass to fix the problem. I'm sure there are a lot of positive outcomes but mine wasn't one of them. Good luck.

Both sleeve gastrectomy and hiatal repair

by: Phil

My mom recently had the 2 pots done and now she can hardly eat and she is having panic attacks that she will be like this forever. Can anyone tell me that its normal and that's she will be ok?

My daughter

by: KAM

My daughter had both sleeve and hernia done. She is having hard time eating, and it's just been since March 12th 2018.

I know recovery is long, I want to know how long will this go on?

What can I do to make this better?

Hernia and sleeve

by: Just out of surgery

My experience with gastric sleeve surgery was wonderful. He (my surgeon) spent most of the time repairing my hernia and then going ahead with the with the sleeve surgery.

I don’t (and didn’t) have hardly any pain afterwords just from the C02in my chest and shoulders. That was the biggest thing.

My incisions from the surgery and everything else - I’m doing great! following all dietary instructions and I’m very excited about my outcome.

What's the right thing to do?

by: mew

Can the sleeve itself be repaired if it is leaky? My friend wants to have the bypass. I don't have a good feeling about this!

He also has a small hiatal hernia. I'd like to see him err on the side of caution. You all have horror stories about your experiences. I don't know if he could deal with it.

Sleeve, hernia repair and 15 months out and In pain

by: Jen

I got sleeved 5/30/2017 I also had a hiatal hernia repair and it's still all this time felt tender there but since surgery that little lump has got bigger and bigger and it always hurts I am always nauseous and I have told my surgeons office and they just say hmm well it could be this or that and that's bout it.

But this is miserable because tonight the chest pain and shortness of breath I had from it made me feel like I was having a heart attack!!! Anyone 3lse have this happen?

Large hiatal hernia and sleeve vs bypass

by: Terri

I have met with my surgeon and i have a large hiatal hernia. I wanted a gastric sleeve but he highly recommends a gastric bypass due to the hernia. He said hiatal hernias ofter return with just a sleeve but the stomach is better anchored with the bypass.

He also says studies have shown any hiatal surgery in a person with a bmi over 35 is about 90% chance of recurrence without a bypass. His patients all seem to love him and he has low complication rates

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[ Last editorial review/modification of this page : 05/21/2021 ]

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