Cliff’s DS Journey

Question Below Submitted By:  

Cliff (a patient from St. Albans, WV, USA)

I had the duodenal switch surgery (BPD/DS) in Oct. 2004, at the time of surgery I weighed 380 lbs. I’m now 52 yrs. old and my weight has fluctuated between 170-180 lbs for the last 2 yrs.

I have had no weight loss surgery complications whatsoever. Regarding my bariatric diet, I pretty much eat whatever I want. I average 1-2 normal bowel movements a day (stinky). However, I do get gas if I eat a lot of carbs.

I have absolutely no regrets at all for having the surgery and would highly recommend this particular surgery to anyone who is super obese.

I know several people who have had either gastric bypass or lap band surgery that eventually gained most of their weight back after 3 or 4 years. I feel that if a person is willing to “go under the knife” for weight loss surgery, why not have the best surgery available!

One last point I would like to make is that I faithfully take my bariatric vitamins EVERY DAY, have my blood checked annually, and thus far after almost 6 yrs. have never had a vitamin deficiency in any of my labs.

Submitted 5/18/2010

Bariatric Surgery Source

Patient Responses to the Question Above

DS best bariatric surgery for all

by: Goodkel

Congratulations on your success, Cliff! I, too, had the DS 5 years ago. However, I was considered a "lightweight" with a BMI of 41. I have maintained a 140 pound loss and a low normal BMI.

So I would just like to point out for the benefit of pre-ops who might read this that, if you qualify for ANY weight loss surgery, you qualify for the DS and it is an appropriate surgery for you.

That is a BMI of 35 with two or more co-morbidities or a BMI of 40 without any.

The DS is the only surgery that will provide the super morbidly obese with satisfactory weight loss, but it provides the highest percentage of excess weight lost and excess weight loss maintained long term for lighter weights as well.

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[ Last editorial review/modification of this page : 05/21/2021 ]

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