9 stone lost, 2 and a half stone re-gained 2 years after gastric bypass surgery

Question Below Submitted By:  

Elaine S. (a patient from Gloucester, ENGLAND)

I was really happy with the weight loss following the gastric bypass, and I lost 9 stone in total. I decided against the banding because I needed to feel the weight would stay off. Nobody told me the weight would creep back on.

I feel so low and useless and end up now on a cycle of: look in the mirror hate myself, have a biscuit, then hate myself for having no willpower and have another biscuit.

Needless to say, comfort food has helped to put 2 and a half stone back on. I feel fat and ugly and my confidence has gone again.

Please help.

(Editor’s Note: 1 stone = 14 lbs)

Bariatric Surgery Source

Patient Responses to the Question Above

you're welcome

by: Yvonne McCarthy

I'd love to have you there and we also need to keep talking here too because it helps the site help others. I'm looking forward to hearing from you.

Hugs, Y

Related Pages:
- Bariatric Diet (What you eat)
- Bariatric Eating (How you eat)
- Bariatric Vitamins
- Life After Weight Loss Surgery
- Weight Loss Surgery Support
- Life after bariatric surgery - experiences from other patients
- Exercise after bariatric surgery

re 9 stone weight loss and 2 stone and A Half pound regain

by: Elaine Sparrow

Thank you Yvonne for showing an interest in my current position with my weight. I would love join your support group.Yours, Elaine

help with regain

by: Yvonne McCarthy

Elaine I totally understand what you are saying about feeling fat so you eat and feel worse so you eat again.

I'm glad you wrote because if you don't stop it now it will get worse.

Get the biscuits out of your house or out of your reach. I have a good friend that regained 5 stone (70 lbs) and never got to goal.

She finally got mad and motivated.

On her 9th year after her surgery she made it to goal.

Here's her story.

I have another one with another friend here.Please get back to basics and eat healthy and most of all realize you are probably eating to avoid feeling sad, mad, anxious or whatever you don't want to feel. You are in a vicious cycle of eating, feeling bad and eating again.

You are seeing everything through "weight regain glasses" and nothing looks good, does it? If you constantly think about what you don't want, that's what you'll get. See what you want and know you will get back there because you can do it. Do you remember how happy you were when you were this weight on the way down? You've got to concentrate on how much you've lost and don't make that regain into a powerful monster.

Do whatever you have to do to get motivated.

Every time you are wanting to eat you should get online and talk to someone on a support forum.

I have a facebook page called Bariatric Girl and I'd love to have you. I'm almost 11 years out and I volunteer full time helping others with their journeys.

I hope some of this has helped.

My heart goes out to you.

Please let me know if I can help any further.

Hugs, Yvonne

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[ Last editorial review/modification of this page : 05/21/2021 ]

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