7 stones regained 3 years after gastric bypass surgery

Question Below Submitted By:  

Dorothy Stewart (a patient from Colchester, Essex, UKCOLCHESTER)

Well, as I approach my 3rd year since my gastric bypass operation I am fast regaining all the weight I lost, which at my lowest was 7 stones (98 lbs). Ive put on 3 stones (42 pounds) of that.

I feel horrible and all the old aches and pains are coming back, including my knee joints and lower back.

Can anyone tell me if it would be safe to go on the liquid diet I was on pre-op, namely 4 pints of semi-skimmed milk, 2 sugar free jellies and 1 oxo cube a day, in order that I may lose the weight i have gained?

Many thanks,

Bariatric Surgery Source

Patient Responses to the Question Above

Dear anonymous

by: Yvonne McCarthy

I don't know if you have access to therapy or not and if you don't there are free programs as well.

You have described addiction perfectly.

Please don't feel shame...it sucks the life out of us.

I am a food addict and it's nothing to be ashamed about either.

It's a means to a solution.

When I worked on why I used food to self medicate it all got easier to understand.

I never ate because I was hungry.

I ate because I was stressed or wanted to numb some feelings.

You can't fix what you don't acknowledge so be proud that you know what it is you need to fix and realize it is a disease.

It doesn't make you or me a bad person.

I don't know how much beer you are drinking but it has tons of calories and I'm also worried that you might be cross addicting to alcohol.

If you don't have access to therapy check out OA (overeaters anonymous) or AA which has saved many people I know.

Again...you've got to kick the shame out and start working on a solution.

I hope this has helped.

Craving when stressed high carbohydrates

by: Anonymous

The weight is starting to regain in my back, when ever I'm stressed, I return too my old habits, drinking soda's and eating high calorie food during the holiday's bread whole sandwiches. I so ashamed of myself. Becoming a closet eater and drinking beer. Please help!!!!! It will be two year's in 3/2013.

Thank you Yvonne........

by: Dorothy

I have my 3 year check up in March,with the hospital,Luton and Dunstable in Luton,Hertfordshire,UK.I cant wait to open my heart to the dietician there and be brutally honest about having returned to my old habits,resulting in my 3stone weight gain [im still 4stone lighter than I was before my bypass],but I fear Im on my way back up to the 20stone I was pre-op. Dorothy.

your welcome!

by: Yvonne McCarthy

Dorothy you might try searching for the term "regain" on my blog too. You can do it! It's never too late. I'm glad you reached out for help.

Hugs, Y

many thanks,Y

by: Dorothy

Thanks.you have been a great help and very encouraging.i will certainly look up your web site. Dorothy.


by: Yvonne McCarthy

Hi Dorothy, Go back to eating protein first then vegetables and fruit.

Plan how much you will eat every day and do not eat more.

Divide the food 6 small meals and make absolutely sure you start with breakfast.

Not eating breakfast will make you gain weight.

Get some kind of exercise too.

Stop eating junk food and a lot of sugar. If you stop eating food that you shouldn't have you will lose the craving.

If you have little bits of it you will crave it.

Another very important thing.

About every 3 or 4 days eat one extra meal so your body doesn't readjust to the lower calories.

Get active in some support of some kind.

It keeps you accountable.

Also know that you are probably eating to try to numb feelings.

When you start to stress or feel badly do not reach for food.

Get online, talk to a friend, go for a walk until you have worked out how you are feeling.

This was really short.

I have a blog at www.bariatricgirl.com that might give you some insight as well.

I'm glad you asked now instead of waiting to gain more weight.

Decide it's stopping right now.

Also don't give that weight regained power.

Compare it to what you've lost and realize you can get it off.

Get motivated and know that you can do it!

Hugs, Y

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