The SMALLER we get, the BIGGER we GROW…HUH??

Question Below Submitted By:  

Emily Gomez (Weight Lost Hope Gained) (a patient from Fort Worth, TX)

Growth is Good!

Growth is Good!

I remember waking up after surgery determined to NEVER be associated with the word(s) BIG, BIGGER, or BIGGEST ever again. I’m sure you can relate.

Since I lived most of the my life as the BIGGEST person I knew. I was sure I was going to change that, but boy was I WRONG.

WHAT?!? Emily, you have lost 140 pounds and maintained that loss successfully and you are saying that you are BIGGER now then you were before surgery? YES! I am! Let me explain…

I was always sitting around and waiting for life to happen and that only guaranteed me one thing… that I was NOT going to end up with a life I wanted or loved. I sat around and ate, and ate, and ate to the point of ballooning to 270 pounds physically and shrinking to NOTHING inside.

By waiting, I could only react to what life tossed my way and nothing more. The way I did that was to eat and live in denial that I had a problem with food or coming to terms with any of the number of health problems mounted against me.

It’s easy to take a passive approach to life without making chances and I had ZERO drive to ever take a chance. As we all know, taking CHANCES = GROWTH! It’s easy to fall into a rut and do the same things the same way all the time.

That was me, always stagnant never pushing myself or my boundaries. Always eating the same junk and planning my next feast (not meal, FEAST) before I was done with the one I was inhaling. Change and growth are sometimes hard and require A LOT of work, but it’s change that will reveal all the wonders that life has to offer as you start to GROW.

You can break out of your set ways by taking action, I did by having surgery.

Try doing the same thing a different way. When you go to the store, park far away so you have to walk. Take the stairs instead of the elevator.

Jump in with both feet and learn something new. I have learned how to Zumba and want to learn Belly Dancing. I have learned how to Blog, a place where I can share my feelings about weight loss surgery. I have learned how to network and market myself and my new company through social media outlets.

Ask a friend to teach you a skill they’re good at. Is it photography? Is it painting? I have leaned on some of my good friends in the Bariatric Community for support and accountability as well as Techy skills so I can HELP in the community more.

GROW as a person and your world/life GROWS with you.

Action is the only way anything ever gets done. GROWTH happens because YOU take CHANCES! WHATCHA WAITIN FOR, GET OUT THERE AND START LIVING!

“When you stand still, you reject the struggle, and you refuse to change and grow. Ultimately, you reject fulfillment, happiness, the dance for joy and everything else that is eternally good.” ~ Matthew Kelly

Finish Well,

Emily Gomez

Bariatric Surgery Source

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[ Last editorial review/modification of this page : 03/04/2019 ]

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